I could write an article of anger (for murder, looting, brutality, and brotherly hate is worthy of anger). I could write an article of great sadness (for the loss of life, the killing of an image bearer, the destruction of others’ possessions, and the continued unnecessary destruction of families break my heart). I think it necessary, also, to encourage. I look at the state of the world, not just the United States, and see great division, hatred, and anger toward one another. I see tears, pain, injustice, and pure anguish. My social media pages are filled with the loss of babies, the unnecessary death of children, the death of police officers, the beating of the innocent, the continued murder of the innocent, the lack of stewardship of God’s possessions, which have all stemmed from the loss of George Floyd’s life. My heart breaks. My eyes fill with tears. My chest fills with anger; the thumping of my heart with increased blood pressure. My mind goes everywhere. I think of all of the different perspectives, aspects of the issue, symptoms, and root issues. It’s almost confusing as there are so many things to think through.

What must pierce through the hate, the tears, the hurt, the unrighteousness, the injustice, is the truth, the word of God (John 17:17).

All of humanity is one race, originating from one created couple (Gen. 1:27; 2:5–25).

Humanity is made up of diversity, including skin color, which has no bearing on the value of any individual, for God is the ultimate valuer and he has valued the life of all mankind equally (Gen. 1:26-27; 5:1–3; 9:6; James 3:9–10) for all mankind bears the image of God. This value is found in God Himself (Gen. 1:26–27; 5:1–3; 9:6).

While these things remain true, sin has placed creation, including mankind, in a state of groaning because of the pain and anguish it brings (Rom. 8:19–26). Unjust taking of life, racism, and violence are unrighteous and should not exist. Because of this, these things lead to tears, pain, anguish, and groanings. 

The world is corrupt with sin, but there will be a future without such corruption (Rev. 21:1–4). Racism will not be so. Unjust taking of life will not exist. Pain, tears, and heart ache will be absent. Praise God.

All of mankind who believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 15:1–4) will inherit this future (Rom. 3:21–26; Rev. 20:11–15) with the Creator and Savior of the world. The believer can place their hope in this reality; further, they can rejoice, in the face of hardship, in this future reality.

The present sufferings (including racism, brutality, and loss of family members) are far inferior to the glory believers will experience in the future (Rom. 8:18)!

Therefore, let us fix our eyes on Jesus (Heb. 12:2), grieve as those who have hope (1 Thess. 4:13–17), suffer together rightly (2 Tim. 2:3), gather together encouraging one another (Heb. 10:24), stand for justice, truth, love, and peace (Mic. 6:18; 2 Tim. 2:15; Eph. 4:15; 1 Thess. 5:13), and ultimately, through obedience to Christ, glorify God throughout the hardships (1 Cor. 10:31).

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