Father’s Day Thoughts – Purpose and Duty

It’s Father’s Day. There is much to be talked about such as how important a present father is, how important a godly father is, how wonderful fatherhood is, the selfless nature of fatherhood, and the list goes on. But my heart is pressed upon the idea of a purpose (if...

DINKS, Selfishness, and Parenthood

In recent weeks, there has been a trend making its way through social media. Individuals are making videos where they reveal reasons why they are voluntarily childless and call themselves DINKS. DINKS is an acronym which stands for Dual Income No Kids. There are a few...

The Audience of John 8:33 and Hermeneutic Principles

Every Sunday morning, I attend what we call a Connect Group at church. It’s a small group of believers who gather together to study the Word. This last week, we were walking through John 8, and we came upon John 8:30-59. As we were walking through the text, a question...

Read Answers Provided by John Oglesby for GotQuestions

GotQuestions.org is a ministry providing Biblical answers to Bible questions. John Oglesby has been presented with the opportunity to answer some of those questions. Read them here.

7 Examples of Witnessing Found in Acts – Series on Acts

7 Examples of Witnessing Found in Acts – Series on Acts

Jesus commands His disciples in Matthew 28 to go and make disciples of all nations. Throughout the book of Acts, we see His disciples doing just that! There are a lot of things involved in making disciples, but one of those things is witnessing to the lost. I did a...

Freedom In Christ Defended in Acts 15 – Series on Acts

Freedom In Christ Defended in Acts 15 – Series on Acts

Acts 15 is a crucial part in the transition aspect of the book of Acts. Throughout Acts, we see a transition from Judaism, which was steeped in Mosaic Law and Pharisaic tradition, to Christianity, which is steeped in the freedom we have in Christ. Taking out, even,...

An Overview of the Book of Zechariah

An Overview of the Book of Zechariah

Introductory Information Dating of the Writing There are a couple different ways to pull the dating of a writing. Some would say that the dating should come directly from Scripture and nothing else. Scripture is sufficient in most cases to date books on their own....

Renovation Podcast – Introduction

Renovation Podcast – Introduction

The Premiere of Renovation Podcast As I spend my life pioneering (for myself at least) the vast knowledge the Bible gives, I find it hard for me not to share my findings. That is the reason for this website as well as this podcast. After some discussion...

Renovation Podcast Episode 1

As I spend my life pioneering (for myself at least) the vast knowledge the Bible gives, I find it hard for me not to share my findings. That is the reason for this website as well as this podcast. After some discussion with Dr. Cone, it didn’t take long to come to the...

Why Do I Study the Bible? – Pt. 2

Why Do I Study the Bible? – Pt. 2

Know God – Glorify Him Over the past three years, I have had many people ask me “why?” in regards to my schooling. I have been at Calvary University now for three years. It has been a magnificent time and I have learned so much. Before I even began at Calvary, I had...

The Greatest Act of Love Shown in Florida

The Greatest Act of Love Shown in Florida

The fact that mass shootings happen is a true tragedy. What happened in Parkland FL is dark, tragic, and something that won’t soon be forgotten. My heart goes out to all the families, friends, teachers, administrators, and the rest of America that hurts with all those...

John Oglesby

John Oglesby

Executive Vice President

John Oglesby is the Executive VP of Vyrsity, Executive VP of Colorado Biblical University, the Executive VP of EDUthrift, and the Executive VP of 1024Marketing, and Director of the Oglesby household. He is happily married to his beautiful and wonderful wife; Sierra. They have two gorgeous daughters! John loves the Lord and lives to make Him known and known to the fullest. Let us continue to be transformed by the renewal of our minds through the careful study and application of God’s Word.

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