In May of 2016 I had the great opportunity to begin employment at Calvary University. Calvary provided much opportunity, learning, and relationships that will never be forgotten or taken for granted. I have much gratitude for many students, faculty, and staff who I grew alongside during my time at the institution.
In the summer of 2020, the Lord provided an opportunity to serve as the Executive VP of a few subsidiaries under AgathonEDU Educational Group in a near volunteer capacity which has continued through the present. These subsidiaries include Vyrsity, Colorado Biblical University, and 1024Marketing. “From the Greek agathon, meaning good, the AgathonEDU Educational Group is committed to provide leadership and support structure through a Shared Services Model for its educational subsidiaries and for other educators and institutions.[1]” In the past six months, God has opened many doors, provided in incredible (I might even say miraculous) ways, and blessed me beyond explanation. I truly believe God has incredible plans for AgathonEDU as well as the subsidiaries.
Unfortunately, in January of 2021 I was released from Calvary University due to my involvement with AgathonEDU as the leadership of Calvary perceived my continuation with both institutions a conflict which could not be overcome. It is my deep desire for an incredible partnership between AgathonEDU and Calvary as we, at AgathonEDU, are committed to supporting educational institutions such as Calvary. Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to be an option at this time.
I want to thank the students at Calvary for all of the times spent together, knowledge I gained through interaction with you, and memories which I will keep. It has been an honor to serve alongside all of you and I look forward to continuing service together as we continue the mission of Jesus Christ through the body of Christ. I love you all and pray that God blesses you incredibly as you continue the mission of honoring Him.
If anyone has any questions, concerns, or has a desire to connect for any reason, feel free to reach out! It would be a great encouragement.
Your brother in Christ,
In May of 2016 I had the great opportunity to begin employment at Calvary University. Calvary provided much opportunity, learning, and relationships that will never be forgotten or taken for granted. I have much gratitude for many students, faculty, and staff who I grew alongside during my time at the institution.
In the summer of 2020, the Lord provided an opportunity to serve as the Executive VP of a few subsidiaries under AgathonEDU Educational Group in a near volunteer capacity which has continued through the present. These subsidiaries include Vyrsity, Colorado Biblical University, and 1024Marketing. “From the Greek agathon, meaning good, the AgathonEDU Educational Group is committed to provide leadership and support structure through a Shared Services Model for its educational subsidiaries and for other educators and institutions.[1]” In the past six months, God has opened many doors, provided in incredible (I might even say miraculous) ways, and blessed me beyond explanation. I truly believe God has incredible plans for AgathonEDU as well as the subsidiaries.
Unfortunately, in January of 2021 I was released from Calvary University due to my involvement with AgathonEDU as the leadership of Calvary perceived my continuation with both institutions a conflict which could not be overcome. It is my deep desire for an incredible partnership between AgathonEDU and Calvary as we, at AgathonEDU, are committed to supporting educational institutions such as Calvary. Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to be an option at this time.
I want to thank the students at Calvary for all of the times spent together, knowledge I gained through interaction with you, and memories which I will keep. It has been an honor to serve alongside all of you and I look forward to continuing service together as we continue the mission of Jesus Christ through the body of Christ. I love you all and pray that God blesses you incredibly as you continue the mission of honoring Him.
If anyone has any questions, concerns, or has a desire to connect for any reason, feel free to reach out! It would be a great encouragement.
Your brother in Christ,