Throughout the last chapters of Ephesians, we see many different aspects of the Christian walk. The book of Ephesians is a wonderful letter which is split up into two major sections. The first three chapters are strictly theology. It is chalk full of doctrine and truths about the gospel, stewardship, etc. The second section is a detailed description of how humanity should response once saved by the gospel. Paul begins chapter four with, “Therefore I, the prisoner of the Lord, implore you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling which you have been called…” pressing the believer to response in obedience to Jesus. For that obedience is only fitting for a like worthy of God (we see a very similar calling in Colossians 1:9-14). But what does this obedience look like? Paul continues to explain throughout chapters four and five of the letter to the Ephesians.

21 Aspects of the Christian Walk

  1. Live in humility (4:2) – As will be discussed later, like Jesus humbled himself to the point of death, we should respond to that humility with humility. Do not be proud but strive toward humility for the purpose of unity of the Spirit (4:3b).
  2. Live with gentleness (4:2) – This again, as well as number three, is for the purpose of unity in the Spirit. This looks like responding to disagreement with love or correcting a brother in a soft tone of voice––not to cause anger or division unnecessarily but to cause unity and restoration.
  3. Live with patience (4:2) – The word here is literally long fused. Don’t get angry so easily. Be patient. Whenever your wife or husband doesn’t get the tasks you request done the same day you requested they get done, be patient, gently remind them of the tasks and maybe…just maybe, humble yourself and do them first for the purpose of unity in the Spirit within your marriage.
  4. Speak the truth in love (4:15, 25) – Within the body of Christ, we are to speak the truth in love for the maturing of believers. There is a place for correction, with the purpose of restoration. This should be done in love, not anger or spite. Whenever your brother in Christ lies to you, correct them with the truth in love.
  5. Lay aside the old self (4:22b) – As a believer, you have been created a new. You are free from sin and no longer are held captive. Therefore, lay aside the old self, which was held captive by the bondage of sin. This looks like someone who doesn’t present their members to the temptations of sin. Don’t view pornography like you used to. Don’t consume alcohol to the point of drunkenness like you used to. That was the old self and we are to lay that self aside.
  6. Put on the new self (4:24a) – As a believer, we are to lay aside our old self (#5) and put on the new self which is achieved by the renewing of your mind in the spirit (4:23b). Renew your mind through the study of God’s Word every morning, being filled with the Holy Spirit, and live the day according to the new self which you have been given as a believer.
  7. Labor regularly (4:28b) – It is good for man to work. Specifically, the believer is to work for the purpose of providing for the needy. Today, many want to avoid work at all cost, but the truth is, work is good. Through the grace of God, man can work so he can participate in the gracious act of giving to those who are in need.
  8. Speak wholly (4:29) – Believers are not to let unwholesome speech come from their mouth. A wholesome comment is one that is good for edification (or the building up) of another. If it is not edifying or building up another, it is unwholesome. Gossip is unwholesome. Complaining without a solution is unwholesome. Let us speak wholly “so that it will give grace to those who hear” (4:29b).
  9. Do not grieve the Holy Spirit (4:30) – A sinful life is one that grieves the Holy Spirit and therefore should not be lived by the Christian.
  10. Put away all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, slander and malice (4:31) – The Christian should not be unrightfully angry with another. Whenever anger arises, seek out the person you are angry with and work out the issue. “Do not let the sun go down on your anger” (4:26).
  11. Be kind and tenderhearted to one another (4:32) – Kindness leads to forgiveness. As someone sins against you, be kind and forgive them. Much like Romans tells us, God’s kindness was meant to lead to repentance––the kindness of man works the same way.
  12. Imitate God (5:1) – I have a one-year old daughter and I love to get her to copy me. The first thing she ever copied me on was sticking out her tongue. It was the greatest moment of my life. She loves to do it! Much like this, we should be imitators of God. Let us read God’s Word, see what He does and imitate Him.
  13. Walk in love (5:2) – A specific way we can imitate God is to walk in love––love like Christ loved. Jesus died for you because He loves you. Much like this, we should sacrifice for those around us out of love.
  14. Do not speak of immorality, impurity or greed in the form of silly talk or coarse jesting (5:3-4) – I remember going through high school, the joke was to add “that’s what she said” to the end of a comment. It generally made an innocent comment very sexual. It is was uncalled for and very impure. This would be a prime example of the coarse jesting I, as a Christian, should not partake in for it is improper among saints.
  15. Give thanks (5:4) – Instead of the impure speech, we are to give thanks for the kingdom of heaven is yours as a child of God.
  16. Live wisely, making the most of your time (5:15-16) – A wise man knows time is short and will therefore, live with urgency. As Christians, we know God could return at any moment, or we could die at any moment. We also know that we have been commissioned with a great task, making disciples of all nations––eternity is on the line for the many. Therefore, we should walk wisely, knowing time is short and living in a constant state of urgency (I know there is a balance, but don’t let that be an excuse to rarely live urgently).
  17. Understand what the will of the Lord is (5:17) – In order to live wisely, one must know what the will of the Lord is. Urgency is pointless if you aren’t accomplishing God’s will. In our urgency, we need to know the will of the Lord by studying His word. It doesn’t matter how fast the bullet flies if it doesn’t hit its target.
  18. Speak to each other in song (5:18-20) – I believe this could look different in different contexts. One way we do this, however, is corporate worship in Church. This can be done between families in family worship or at Bible studies. The truth simply is, we are to sing unto the Lord together.
  19. Subject yourself to other believers (5:21) – It’s quite simple. At Christians, we should be accountable and subject to other Christians.
  20. Wives are to subject themselves to their husbands (5:22) – Wives, submit yourself to your husband. This does not make you any less of a person than your husband, but it is part of your role. It is the God ordained role that women are given. You are to submit like the Church submits to Jesus. This should also lead to the respect of the husband (5:33b)
  21. Husbands are to sacrificially love their wives (5:25) – This is a tall order. Husbands are to love their wives like Christ loved the Church. This is a sacrificial love to the next level. Jesus died, gave up everything for the Church. In the same way, husbands are called to die to self and give up everything for his wife.

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